The Arts, Fashion & Design - Powerlist The Arts, Fashion & Design - Powerlist A regular on the Powerlist, Stephen has arguably done more to change the perception of autistic people than anyone. He has been hailed as the leading architectural artist in the world because of his astounding ability to draw stunningly detailed buildings completely from memory. He has created cityscapes from taking half-hour helicopter rides over the world's major capitals including Tokyo, Rome, Dubai, Frankfurt, Madrid and London. Stephen,35, has featured in numerous documentaries and his artwork has been frequently exhibited all over the world.As a child, he was mute and did not relate to other human beings. Aged three, he was diagnosed as autistic. Stephen's talent for drawing was noticed when he was five. By eight he started drawing cityscapes and London landmarks. He is the only autistic savant in the world whose work has been recorded and published since his childhood. Stephen now has his own gallery in London, which he recently extended doubling it in size.