Picture perfect - all from memory Picture perfect - all from memory This amazingly detailed panoramic view of the world's most famous city skyline certainly encapsulates the essence of a photographic memory. It was created by British artist Stephen Wiltshire, who relies on only his memory to draw spell-binding pictures. He is sketching the 5m (18ft) by 1m (3ft) snapshot of New York at Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute after a 20-minute helicopter flight over the metropolis. The Londoner, who was invited by US TV network CBS to display his talents via webcam, has also produced sketches of Tokyo, Rome and Hong Kong. Iliana Taliotis, who works with him, said: ‘Stephen works methodically in short sharp bursts.’ ‘Cities are his passion but he feels New York is his spiritual home.’Diagnosed with autism at an early age, his talent emerged as a way of expressing himself. Stephen always listens to music on his iPod while he works, enjoying everything from blues and soul to funk – and even New Kids On The Block.