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Stephen Wiltshire, a child prodigy, shot to fame in 1987 at the age of 12. He appeared in a BBC2 QED documentary entitled The Foolish Wise Ones which brought Stephen's extraordinary talents to the attention of the public. After the programme more than 700 viewers telephoned the BBC asking if original prints of Stephen's work were available.
Stephen's amazing ability enables him to capture perspective and detail in his drawings, particularly in buildings, with uncanny accuracy and often drawn from memory. He is able to produce a perfect drawing of a building several months after his only sight of it. His eye for precision is extraordinary. Although he is innumerate, he is able to depict accurately the correct number of columns, arcades and windows in any building.
However, it is his ability to capture character and mood in his pictures that has established him as a major artistic talent.
The importance of travel as an opportunity and understanding is inestimable. Margaret Hewson, author of the book's accompanying text, was instrumental in getting Stephen to America - the country of his dreams. He visited, among other places, Chicago, Washington, San Fransisco and Los Angeles.
He ended up in New York – the city that contains everything Stephen loves most about America – yet more skyscrapers, yellow cabs, hamburgers and pretty girls.