Singapore is turning 50 Singapore is turning 50 A company that is turning 30 is commissioning a portrait of a nation that will soon turn 50. And doing it will be a British artist with an amazing ability to sketch cities from memory. As part of its 30th anniversary celebrations, Singapore Press Holdings is getting Mr Stephen Wiltshire to draw the city skyline. He will do the artwork in full view of the public at the main atrium of Paragon from Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 5pm daily. Before he begins, Mr Wiltshire, who is in Singapore for the first time, will be given a brief helicopter ride sponsored by the Republic of Singapore Air Force. When it is done, the artwork will be presented to President Tony Tan Keng Yam as SPH’s gift for Singapore’s 50th birthday next year. The event will also feature an exhibition of some of Mr Wiltshire’s best drawings of other cities, as well as an interactive booth that allows people to pose with their favourite bit of Singapore architecture.